Galina Subbotina
Chief trainer of the Academy, pediatrician, classical homeopath, reflexology therapist, physiotherapist, wife and companion of Pr. Revenko is very serious about business and believes, that it is the only way to live with clear conscience and in harmony with the Universe.
Galina Subbotina came into Scenar therapy in 1994.
Galina used to be a doctor of acupuncture and physiotherapy in a Children Rehabilitation center
until she decided to start her own business, because she wanted to feel the whole process of treatment and control it.
Subbotina visited all Revenko’s and Gorfinkel’s seminars, took part in exhibitions and in 1996 with the blessing of Yuri Gorfinkel held her own Scenar training seminar in Kogalym, Russia. Galina Subbotina is keen on philosophic doctrines (acupuncture, classical homeopathy, biophysics, bioenergetics, math), studies homeopathy in India with the greatest teacher of the present R. Shankaran and J.Sholten, chronobiology, homotoxicology, mesotherapy – all for her favorite NER.
In 1995 Galina Subbotina took in charge the first Scenar center in Yekaterinburg. Russian consumers had no trust in new medicine Scenar, so she organized numerous presentations, seminars, demonstration treatment sessions, and shows. Several years later Yekaterinburg Scenar center became the best in Russia and abroad. In the following years Galina Subbotina together with Pr. Revenko and Yuri Gorfinkel held Scenar therapy seminars in Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Austria, America, South African Republic, Kenya, Australia and other countries. Galina speaks English so she can teach English speaking people as well as study authentic literature and share her knowledge with her students and colleagues. The reports, she gives on all Scenar conferences, are highly appreciated for her analytical point of view, significant statistics material and her unique believes.
A lot of Subbotina’s reports were rewarded with premiums, certificates and awards. She was also awarded with a diploma and a medal by OKB RITM for the development of Scenar therapy. Among all Scenar trainers in Germany she has the highest rate 1,3 (in Germany they appraise from 5 to 1 ).