Scenar Academy IT - Docente Accreditato : Massimo Soffientini

Level 5. “Master Class, 1-st level”

Philosophy of information medicine.
Evolution of information and functional systems.
Philosophy of Function – pathological systems (FPS).

Evidences, particularities of the choice and tactics of the performing the digital methods:

[fancy_list style = “arrow_list” variation=”deepblue”]

  • Galina
  • Mary and Michle
  • John-Erik
  • British flag
  • Mill
  • Steering wheel
  • Sympathetic and Parasympathetic vaccinations
  • Elena, Saint Elena
  • Multi-Color Sympathicus
  • Christmas
  • Nines
  • Vita
  • Stars


Scenar Academy- IT

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Responsabile didattico: Massimo Soffientini

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