Scenar Academy IT - Docente Accreditato : Massimo Soffientini

SCENAR neurology course

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  • Construction and functions of nerve system
  • Simple neurology tests
  • Special neurology methods for CNS:
     -Parkinson methods (CNS Accords)
     -Alzheimer’s disease (Twin squares, Galina on a face)
     -Stroke methods (6 Points of the face and on the abdomen)
     -High cranial pressure methods (face’s stars)
     -MS methods (Reciprocate chakras method, 3Pathways with mushrooms)
     -Myelopathy methods (Delane Pyramid)
  • Special neurology methods for ANS:
    -Migraine methods (Top, 5 Points on the face, Square on the face
    -Diencephalon syndrome treatment (Chakras pairs)
    -Ganglionitis treatments (Kudu Khaya stars)
    -Dis-tonia methods (New Wings)
    -Raynaud’s disease methods (Muscle lines, 3 Lines on the limbs)
  • Special neurology methods for PNS:
    -Plexitis treatments (Meridians methods)
    -Nevritis treatments (Ring’s troikas, Limb stars, 5 directions by Fudzito)
    -Radiculitis treatments (Lower back nines, methods with rectal electrode)
    -Cranial nerves methods(“Caretaker”, Facial lines)
    -Spondylosis treatments (Lines of the force).


Scenar Academy- IT

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Responsabile didattico: Massimo Soffientini

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